July is UV Protection Month!

July is UV Protection Month!

What is UV Safety Awareness Month? UV Safety Awareness Month is held in July and is a great time to learn about the dangers of UV radiation and how to protect your eyes. UV radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the naked eye but can be...
Hate the air puff test?

Hate the air puff test?

What is the Eye Air Puff Test and What Does It Reveal?   The eye air puff test is a common test used to check for eye damage as well as glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition that can damage your optic nerve and lead to blindness. During the test, a gentle blast of...
Scott Eye Care is growing!

Scott Eye Care is growing!

Scott Eye Care is growing! Today, we launch our brand new website! Its simple design allows for easy navigation. The most exciting feature of the website is the ability to schedule an appointment online! Try it now by clicking “Schedule An Appointment!”...